Dakota's Way 1 - Dakota's Way
Dakota's Way 1
~ Dakota's Way ~
by Robin Hicks
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Koty Silvers, a detective from Virginia Beach is just getting over her break-up with Tina. Not wanting to get involved in another relationship at all, she was so not ready for Doctor Kasey Brooks to enter her life via her sister-in-law Chris.
This is an uber story, and does contain love (and other things) between two consenting women, but nothing real graphic. It also contains a little bit of violence but once again, nothing too graphic. Please send comments good or bad to bigboo2u831@msn.com so that I may learn from them. This is my first attempt at writing.
Special thanks to Phantom Quill. This story would not be half of what it is today without her guidance, and help on some basic English that we tend to overlook as we get older. For anyone who is thinking of writing a story, have someone beta read it. It really makes a difference. Hats off to you Phantom Quill, you're the bomb.
Chapter One
Koty Silvers awoke to the obnoxious sound of her alarm clock blaring in her ear. Mumbling into her pillow she slowly reached out to shut off. 'Jesus, I feel like I just fell asleep!'
Lately, it was very difficult for her to fall asleep easily. Up until a few months ago, Koty had fallen asleep almost every night in Tina's arms.
For the three years that they were together, Koty thought that life just couldn't get any better. It was by pure accident that Koty's loving world came crashing to an end, when she caught Tina in the arms of another woman.
Her best friends Jamie and Trish had asked Koty to go out with them to a new bar that had opened about eight months ago. Since Tina worked for the fire department, and this was one of her on nights, Koty told them she would go with them...
"Man, this place is packed," Jamie yelled over the loud music as they made their way to the bar. "I don't see any tables open right now but we can hang out here until someone gets up to leave."
"This is fine right here Jamie, we can just...oh my God."
Turning to see what Koty was looking at, Jamie saw Koty's lover Tina on the dance floor with another woman kissing. Reaching for Koty's arm, she wasn't quite quick enough as Koty bolted past her, and headed for the dance floor. Right before Koty reached her destination she changed her mind, and turned to leave but Tina had already seen her.
"Koty! Koty wait!" Koty stopped but she refused to turn around. Tina caught her by the arm and turned her around to face her. "Jesus Koty, what are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here Tina, you told me you had to work tonight, and who the hell was that woman you were fucking kissing?"
Tina tried to pull Koty's trembling body to her. "Baby..."
"Don't Tina, don't you fucking dare! Please just get the hell away from me." Koty turned and walked towards Jamie who had a murderous look on her face and was aiming it towards Tina.
"I gotta go guys, I'll call you tomorrow." Without looking back, Koty made a beeline for the door and out to the parking lot. She just made it into her car before she breaking down in tears. Five minutes later she was leaving the parking lot and was heading home. Not far behind her was Tina.
Koty had never in the three years that they were together questioned Tina on where she was going or where she had been. She fully trusted her so it had never entered her mind at all that she was screwing around on her.
'What a fucking idiot I am! Son of a bitch, why am I always the last one to find these things out?'
Jamie had been telling Koty for a while that she had a bad feeling about Tina. Jamie wasn't one to hold anything back if she thought that something or someone was out to hurt Koty.
She had never believed Jamie, she thought it was just Jamie being her over protective self. The look on Tina's face when she knew that she had been busted, man was that a kodak moment. She was scared. Well, she needs to be scared.
Koty had just walked into the kitchen to make herself a strong drink when Tina came rushing through the door. Koty caught her breath, and tried to speak as calmly as she could.
"Tina, why are you here? At this very moment I really have nothing to say to you."
"Baby, please just talk to me for a minute...Please"
She walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Koty followed behind her but chose to sit in her recliner. Looking at Tina, she saw tears in her eyes but ignored them and swallowed down half of her drink.
"What do you want Tina, what is it you want me to say?"
"I don't want you to say anything yet, just please hear me out. No matter what happens here tonight Koty, you've got to know that I love you, and I didn't intend to hurt you. Please believe that Baby...I don't want to lose you."
"Tina, how long has this been going on and you may as well tell me the truth?" Leaping from the couch, Tina ran her hands through her long red hair.
Focusing her eyes on the picture of her and Koty above the fireplace, Tina sighed, "let me fix us both a drink and I'll tell you everything. Just remember Koty, I don't want to lose you over this..."
Koty had been devastated to find out that Tina had been messing around on her for several months. Working for the fire department, Tina worked three days on, and four days off. One of her days off, Koty agreed for Tina to spend one of the nights she had off, with friends from the station. Apparently, this one night with her friends, had been the night she had been seeing this woman.
Tina had told her that she didn't love the other woman, that it was something that just happened and she couldn't seem to help herself.
"I love only you Koty, I wish I could make you understand that. I know what I did was totally fucked up, and I don't know what happened to me to make me do it. I meant it when I said I didn't love her baby, I just can't explain it."
That night, Koty had told Tina that she couldn't believe their love meant so little that she could do this and yes, as a matter of fact; she did lose her because of it. Since Tina never said it would never happen again, Koty had asked Tina to leave. She had not seen her since.
For a full month, Koty refused to go anywhere except work. Not to her twin brother Monty's, and not even over to Jamie and Trish's. It had taken a lot of time and patience for them to finally get her to start going out again. Just going to a restaurant for dinner seemed to be a major ordeal for her. It took a little time, but slowly Koty started to venture out again.
There were a lot of women interested in Koty, especially when they found out that her and Tina were no longer together. Koty was oblivious to it all though. She wasn't the least bit interested.
She did have drinks a few times with different women, but she let them know in the beginning, there would be nothing else. Alone. That is just how she wanted to be. No one to answer to, eat when she wanted, go out when she wanted and no one else to break her heart.
Chapter Two
Shaking herself from the bitter memories, Koty slowly dragged herself out of bed. Rubbing her eyes and stretching, she made her way to the kitchen, started a pot of coffee then headed for the bathroom for her shower. She had a long day ahead of her and was already in a foul mood.
Koty was a detective for the Virginia Beach Police department for the past fifteen years, joining the police academy when she was twenty-one, right out of collage. Her brother had tried to talk her into taking a summer just to play around and enjoy herself, but she wouldn't have any of it. She felt like she didn't deserve to enjoy herself. The pain of losing her parents when she was seventeen was still too fresh in her heart.
Once she had joined the force, she poured her life into accomplishing her goal, so it didn't take long for her to advance to detective. She was well respected by m
ost at the station, and was now one of the top detectives there. Everyone there knew of her sexuality but either didn't care or was too chicken shit to say anything.
For the past month she had been working a sting operation on jewel theft in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake areas. With a little luck, today she would end the case.
On her way to work, she thought about the birthday party the following night for her brother's wife, Chris. She loved Chris like she was her own sister, but she just wasn't much in the partying mood. She had promised her she would be there, so she figured she would go for a while to make an appearance then leave.
At the station, she was talking to another detective, and good friend of the family, Jason Price. Patting Koty on the back as he walked up to her, he said, "today should be the day Silvers. Hopefully you'll get that rat bastard."
Tossing a snickers bar at him, koty smiled. "Geeze Koty, why couldn't I be your type so I could marry you? You treat me better than my mama."
"Yeah, but unlike your mama, I would have kicked your sorry ass a long time ago. I'm supposed to meet with the perp Brian, at two o'clock. We know he's working alone on this, and I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one he has sold any of it to. Let's hope so anyway. I'm going there today to purchase more. As soon as he shows it to me, I'll have his ass."
Handing Koty a cup of coffee, Jason told her, "This guy is a real slime ball Koty, just watch your back on this, and be really careful."
"He has a record a mile long, but I have good back up. It should go pretty smoothly. I'm ready for this thing to end."
Chapter Three
On her way to her meeting with the perp, Koty thought once again about Chris's party tomorrow night. Her twin brother Monty and Chris had met about the time Koty was getting ready to finish college, and got married two years after that. Chris and her hit it off right away. Chris had always accepted her for who she was and could care less for what her lifestyle was.
Chris was a orthopedic specialist at Virginia Beach General, and also worked part time at a walk in clinic. Monty owned a very successful construction company in Chesapeake. Monty and Koty had always been close, but since the death of their parents, became even closer. Without Chris, Monty, Jamie and Trish, Koty didn't know what she would have done these last few months.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Koty pulled her lavender Jag up to the curb of a really beat-up and run down house. 'Jesus, what a piece of shit.'
Checking her 357 Magnum and the wire they had put on her before she left the station, she put on her bomber jacket and pulled it tight. Taking a deep breath, she locked her car and walked to the door while taking stock of her surroundings, and knocked. The door opened slowly, then she was looking down the barrel of a Glock 34 9mm.
"Shit Brian, put that fucker away before you shoot someone or even yourself." Brian moved away from the door and let her in.
"I wasn't taking any chances, you got the bread?" She showed him the briefcase.
"Yeah I've got the bread. It's all here, you got my jewelry?"
Brian shut the squeeky door, walked to the counter and poured himself a shot of tequila. "Want a shot babe?"
"I aint your babe and hell no, that shit will rot your brain. I'm a whiskey girl myself."
"Suit yourself," he said as he sat down in the chair setting the bottle on the table next to him.
"Man Brian, you sure got some sweet looking things in here for such a dump of a house."
"Yeah, but aint no one gonna wanna rip off a joint like this now are they?"
Taking another shot of tequila, he reached under his chair and pulled out a tattered shoebox and handed it to Koty. She lifted the lid and let out a soft whistle. 'Holly Shit, look at all of this.' Pulling a jewelers glass out of her pocket, she slowly lifted a beautiful ruby and diamond ring.
She caught the initials L.G.T. engraved on the inside. 'Lillian Grace Thomas.' A wealthy woman in Chesapeake that had her house broken into just two weeks ago.
"This is a fine piece man." That was her cue for back up to come in. Hearing a slight noise outside his door, Brian jump up and reached for his gun but Koty was already in motion and tackled him, both crashing into the end table that the tequila sat on, bringing a lamp down on the side of Koty's face.
Koty held fast though, until officers Parks and Stevens pulled him away and cuffed him. She turned her head just as her Captain walked in and helped her to her feet. "Hell of a job Silvers." He reached and wiped blood away from her eye.
"We'll take it from here Koty. Make sure you have that pretty sister-in-law of yours look at that eye."
"Alright Capt. I'll be in, in the morning to fill out my paperwork."
She turned to Brian. "Thanks son, you just made my day."
"Fuck you bitch, I'll catch up to you."
When Koty got in her car, she reached in the glove compartment for a band-aide and put it above her eye on the cut. 'Ow, shit that hurt.' Pulling away from the curb, she headed to her favorite club, 'Laces' for a drink.
Chapter Four
Koty awoke late Saturday morning with a banger of a headache, and her eye bruised and swollen. Groaning, she popped some Motrin, made a pot of coffee then called Chris.
"Koty, I was getting ready to call you. You are coming to my party tonight right? Jamie and Trish will be here."
"Yea Chris, that's why I'm calling. I have to go to the station for a few hours but I will be there, I promise."
"Oh, that's right. Jason called Monty last night and told him that you finally caught that guy. Congratulations Sweetie, I know you're glad it's finally over."
Koty finished her coffee before answering. "I am glad it's over. It was really starting to drag out. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I would be there. I'll see you tonight."
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Latter that day after finishing her report, Koty went to find Chris a birthday present. After a couple of hours shopping, which felt like it could have been days to Koty, she decided on a pair of gold earrings with Chris's birthstone in them.
After taking her shower, she was trying to decide what she would wear. Chris had told her not to dress up, just to wear jeans or something. Everyone always told her she could wear a burlap sack and she would still be the hottest woman around.
Koty didn't see it that way. She knew that she had nice eyes, but she always felt that she was just average. She finally decided on a snug but comfortable pair of jeans, and a mauve silk shirt. After lacing up her Timberland boots and spritzing on some New West perfume, she was ready to go.
When she arrived at Monty and Chris's, there were already about twenty people there, including Jamie and Trish. Trish was the first one to spot her.
"Oh my God Koty, what in the hell happened to your face?"
Chris, who on her way to the living room with a tray of food overheard Trish's comment. Slowing to take a look at Koty's face, she stopped short. Placing the tray on a nearby table, she gently reached for Koty's chin, turning it to face her.
"Koty, what on earth happened?" Koty gave her one of her crooked smiles.
"It's nothing Chris, just a scratch. It happened yesterday in my scuffle with that asshole. I'm ok."
"Scratch my ass, Koty. Kasey does better with this kind of thing than I do."
Looking over her shoulder, Chris hollered for Monty to get Kasey, a trama surgeon, and close friend. Kasey had recently moved back to town, and was working at the same hospital and clinic that Chris was at.
'Who the hell is Kasey?' Koty mused.' "Honest Chris, it's alright."
Koty persisted as a woman walked up to Chris. Koty momentarily lost her breath. She was looking into the most intense gray eyes on one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Hair, the color of the sun with a few red highlights, full pink lips, and the sexiest dimple.
'God, this is a friend of Chris's? Why haven't I ever met this woman before?'
Koty knew that she was gawking like a teenager but couldn't help herself. Just then th
e corner of her lip started to twitch, something that always happened when she was nervous.
She was finally able to pull her gaze from Kasey's eyes when Chris started telling her what happened. When Kasey reached for Koty's face, Koty thought she was going to pass out.
Koty started to pull away from her touch, but Kasey put one hand on her cheek and the other on her shoulder. In a low husky voice, she said, "it's ok Honey, I wont hurt you."
As Koty's lip started to twitch again, Kasey gently probed around her eye, for what felt like an eternity to Koty. Without releasing Koty's face, she stared into her ice blue eyes, which were a hell of a contrast against her tanned skin and pitch-black hair.
Smiling, Kasey slowly released Koty's face, and eyes. "I can't tell for sure without an ex-ray, but you could have a fractured bone here and it's starting to get infected. You really should have gone to the emergancy room and had this taking care of. It could use a couple of stitches."
"I'll go on monday. I hate waiting in those damn things anyway. It takes forever to be seen." Koty whispered.
Chris was watching Koty's reaction to Kasey and just smiled. She had never seen her this nervous around a woman before. Anyone for that matter.
Looking into Koty's eyes once more, Kasey said, "if you're insisting on waiting until then, at least let me clean it for right now, and cover it up. Chris will be at the hospital on Monday but why don't you pop into the clinic and let me get an ex-ray, ok?"
Kasey would not release Koty's gaze until she agreed to let her check it out. "Um...sure, I guess so, but I know where Chris has her first aid kit. I'll go clean and cover it, and I'll be there on monday." Koty turned and walked to the bathroom cabinet where Chris kept the first aid kit.
Koty's actions did not go unnoticed by Jamie or Trish either. Jamie had been Koty's best friend since grade school and a smile played on her face. 'It's good to know that Koty is alive again, but I won't get my hopes up just yet.' Jamie would give anything to see her best friend happy again. If this woman was a friend of Chris's, she had to be ok.